4 player game
Playtime limit: 30 minutes
Score points by placing components in the component squares while playing event cards that furthers you too victory or hinder your opponents.
During the spring of 2015 we were given the assignment to create a board game that could be completed in 30 minutes or less.
We also had the limitation that it was to be connected to an event or year of the 20th century. We settled on the start of the age of computers.
Because of the play time limit we wanted replayability so we decided on a modular board which tied in nicely with the theme.
The game has 2 pairs of identical boards. One of the pairs has a startingsquare where the players start placing their cables and components.
Each player is given a piece of the board called the chassis. The chassis is then assembled by the players placing them in a way that allows for a minimum of 4 squares to be conected to another piece.
The parts deck is composed of components and cables.
The most common way to score points is by placing components on component squares. This is achieved first by connecting cables to the edge of a component square and then placing the component.
The cables have a wide variety of shapes. The cables have som restrictions on how they can be placed. They can not be placed in a way that leads into a cable without a connection to that side or to a chassis border. Component tiles count as having that many connections as there are available sides to it.
The players have 4 parts in their hand which they can play any amount of as long as it will be connected properly to another cable or component. In the end of their turn they refill their hand. Cables can also be placed on component squares to prevent any player from scoring on that square.
Event Cards:
Players draw 4 of these before the a new chassis has been built. The Event cards can only be played at the begining of a players turn.
The event cards come in many shapes and flavours. There are 4 types and an event card can be on any number of these types.
Event Card Types:
These cards gives advantage of some kind to the player that is playing them.
These cards attack the other players resources in order to get ahead.
These cards can be played before another player begins their turn.
These cards have effects which are continual and are kept on the table instead of being discarded.
After all players has played 4 turns (weeks) the computer is finished and everything is reset exept score. This is repeated until a player reaches the end of the road to success or there has been 4 computers made.